Why are we unable to move things forward many a times…Are we operating at the body or soul level?
We are not under talented, we are under leveraged…
We are running around adding new knowledge but the implementation of all that we learn is zilch…That’s why we are under leveraged…
We are buying & accumulating a lot of books,audios, videos…We undergo multiple programs..We meet teachers & coaches…but nothing happens to us…Its like accumulating sugar canes, but not extracting the juice of it by crushing it multiple number of times…
We have to take the juice out of these accumulated fruits…if we don’t do that we will remain under leveraged, because we just don’t have the juice,the essence of many things…We will remain impoverished in a world of abundance…
This accumulation & non juicing out is what keeps us under leveraged..We are not under talented..We are simply under leveraged…
We know everything little, little at the body or surface level not at the deeper or soul level...Only the juice & its continuous extraction can help us reach the deeper soul level…
In any profession to succeed you need to know & learn the science, practice it to develop the art & master it to build it into a skill.. That’s juicing….Whether it Leadership, Marketing, Management Sales,Human Relations, Negotiation, Presentation, Interviewing, Public Speaking, Presentation, Organizing, Sales, Social Media finance, technology…..the list is endless…For each of the above there is a science, learn it, each of the above science has to converted into an art by practicing it & finally each of the above science, which has now become an art has to mastered . This mastery has to be done till there comes a stage where you can guarantee results at will…
That means you are now a master in marketing or sales or social media or human relations or training or presentation or public speaking or production or whatever…
This means now have juiced the fruits in your possession & therefore in a postion to move many things forward …faster & more efficiently…You are now operating at the soul level …It is difficult for others to reach your level, you are now talented & super leveraged…You have juiced every fruit…
What’s your scene?
Can you move everything around you faster, more efficiently, more efficiently, quickly, easily….or is it a struggle for you…??